Saturday, January 8, 2011


New year - new blends. The other day at Sam's Quick Stop, John told me to take a closer look at the labels of the latest delivery of Brooklyn Monster ... "This Monster was born in 2007" WOW - 3-year-old barleywine! What a mouthful - and at a very reasonable price.

Tonight, I dug up a year-old bottle of Hopslam (no real point in aging that much longer anyway) and decided to blend the Monster with the Slam - KAPOW! A monster with some hop-kick to it.

I really like blends that totally change things - and this one turns (barley) wine into beer. After 3 years barleywine is not SO sweet anymore - it has turned into a heavy, syrupy, vermouth-y drink with some sweetness and alcohol flavors. The Hopslam is REALY bitter after a year, and when you blend the two the 'slam takes the barleywine back into beer-territory. The bitterness mellows out the alcohol and remaining sweetness and adds more complexity and kick to the "wine" character.

Very interesting, complex blend. And VERY potent. Whew!

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