Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Born at the Rusty Ozfest - Expedición Café

I knew Oz brought the Patrón XO Café for a reason...

Sometime in between bands my remaining ounce of Patrón XO coffee-infused tequila, and most of Corinna's two ounces, found their way to the bottom of a pint glass, where they were joined by the contents of Dain's last bottle of Bell's Expedition stout. The chocolaty head just reached the tip of the glass, and the aroma was nothing short of amazing. Malty cocoa stout with a strong dose of coffee, finished off with an unmistakably "tequilesque" zing to the sinuses.

The flavor was fantastic, even if the drink itself was somewhat heavy for a hot summer night. Hell, it might be a bit heavy for the coldest of winter nights. I'm pretty sure this stuff could stand upright on its own without the glass. This is definitely one to enjoy by the ounce, not by the pint. I can't be bothered to do the math in figuring out the alcohol content of the mix, but the Expedition on its own is 10.5%, and the Patrón XO weighs in at 35%.

As this is my first experiment with beer/liquor blending, it goes without saying that it's the best such mix I've ever had. I was singing its praises while it was ringing my bell, and I can't wait to try it again. In moderation.

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